Step v0.8.6: Bring development closer to production with valid HTTPS certificates

Sebastian Tiedtke
Almost 80% of web page loads now use TLS. But almost no one uses TLS in development and pre-production. Why? Because it's hard. That sucks. When dev and staging don't match prod, bad things happen. Today's step
release, version 0.8.6
, makes using TLS in dev & pre-prod environments a whole lot easier.
is a zero trust command-line swiss army knife. Today's release focuses on improvements to step certificates
, a sub-project that adds certificate management tools to step
Zero trust is the idea that perimeter-based security using VPNs & VPCs is broken and should be replaced with identity-based security using cryptography (e.g., TLS). This is unequivocally a good idea. Partly because it's "better security" but mostly because it works everywhere: you can connect on-prem to cloud, AWS to GCP, serverless to containers, IoT to edge... x to y for any x and y. It's universal: based on math, not trust in some vendor's platform-specific solution.
Installing step
To follow along at home (which I highly encourage) you'll need to install step
. We're happy to announce that step
is now in homebrew core. To install on macOS simply run:
brew install step
Linux users can install step 0.8.6
using dpkg
(or build from source).
curl -Os && sudo dpkg -i step-cli_0.8.6_amd64.deb
If you use docker you can launch our base image locally:
docker run -it --rm smallstep/step-cli:0.8.6
Or in a kubernetes cluster:
kubectl run step -it --rm --image smallstep/step-cli:0.8.6 --restart Never
Valid certificates for HTTPS everywhere
Historically, obtaining TLS (HTTPS) certificates has been annoying and expensive. Let's Encrypt solved that problem by allowing anyone to obtain a free certificate automatically using the ACME protocol. It's a fantastic service. You should be using it (or something similar) for your public websites and APIs.
But certificates from Let's Encrypt and other "Web PKI" certificate authorities (CAs) are no good for service-to-service communication or anything else you want to keep private and internal. They're rate limited, can't issue certificates for internal names (e.g., localhost
or foo.default.svc.cluster.local
), and the ecosystem suffers from some serious trust issues.
We built step certificates
to make running your own CA and managing certificates for internal services as easy as Let's Encrypt.
Simply run the init
step ca init --name "Local CA" --provisioner admin \ --dns localhost --address ":443"
You'll be prompted for a password to encrypt key material.
Next, start your CA using the generated configuration (you'll be prompted for your sudo password so we can listen on port 443, then your step
admin password):
sudo step-ca $(step path)/config/ca.json
You can get a certificate from your CA for any name, including localhost
. In another terminal run (you'll be prompted for your step
admin password):
step ca certificate localhost localhost.crt localhost.key
If you'd rather not run an online CA try the lower level
step certificate
command group.
Internal services can be easily configured to trust your CA. That means they can securely communicate across the public internet using mutual TLS without a VPN. Huzzah!
We built step certificates
to manage certificates for production workloads. But we've received several inquiries about a slightly different use case: simulating Web PKI so TLS works as expected in development and pre-production environments. In other words, people want dev & pre-prod certificates that work by default in browsers just like their production certificates from Let's Encrypt.
Using TLS in development & pre-prod simplifies code by eliminating non-TLS code paths and helps catch bugs like mixed-content warnings sooner. More generally, it brings pre-prod environments closer to production and gives engineers the opportunity to gain operational experience with TLS outside of emergency situations.
That all seemed pretty reasonable to us, and we'd already built most of what was required. There were just a few small gaps to fill to make it easy. Today's release adds a powerful new command to fill one of them:
Inspired by Filippo Valsorda's mkcert utility, step certificate install
makes it easy to trust a new CA locally. After installation, certificates issued by that CA will work in browsers and elsewhere, just like a certificate from Let's Encrypt.
You'll get that elusive lock icon with your own locally issued certs:
$ step certificate install $(step path)/certs/root_ca.crt $ python <<EOF import BaseHTTPServer, ssl class H(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): self.send_response(200); self.end_headers(); self.wfile.write(b'<h1>👋 Hello, TLS!</h1>') httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('', 8443), H) httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket (httpd.socket, server_side=True, keyfile="localhost.key", certfile="localhost.crt") httpd.serve_forever() EOF
We're very grateful for Filippo's awesome work with mkcert
. His code for working with root trust stores on various platforms made this feature much easier to build. We factored that code out into a separate golang library to make it even easier for others.
Like mkcert
, step
strives for simplicity and does the right thing by default. And, like mkcert
, we're working on adding ACME support to our online CA to make local development using TLS a simple matter of switching your ACME endpoint URL.
Unlike mkcert
, step
aims to be comprehensive and useful from development through to production. If you just want locally issued certificates for development, you should use mkcert
. If you also want CA infrastructure for your microservices in pre-production and production, you want more control over the keys and certificates being generated, or you want an easier way to install your existing enterprise certificates on endpoints, you should check outstep certificates
And if step
doesn't do something you want it to do, please let us know!
What else is new?
Support for multiple SANs
Web servers often respond to multiple names (e.g.,
). To support this you can bind multiple subject alternative names (SANs) in a certificate. The new --san
flag lets you do so using step
step ca certificate example.crt example.key \ --san \ --san "*"
Extract public keys from certificates
The public key bound in a certificate can be used to verify a signature or encrypt data for the certificate's owner. To do so the key must be extracted, which can be a bit tricky. So we added the step certificate key
⚠️ Remember to always verify certificates before trusting them (e.g., using
step certificate verify
) and respect key use restrictions!
$ export CIPHERTEXT=$(echo "hello, localhost" | step crypto jwe encrypt --key <(step certificate key localhost.crt)) $ echo $CIPHERTEXT {"protected":"eyJhbGciOiJFQ0RILUVTIiwiZW5jIjoiQTI1NkdDTSIsImVwayI6eyJrdHkiOiJFQyIsImNydiI6IlAtMjU2IiwieCI6Ik41Y2dLdXRhV3plV3Nwakl4d1JwQkpiTmZoQ08wRWRwQm05ZmplX0gxYUkiLCJ5IjoiY0dVeHM1VmEwVFFEaG9hYXFOQS1qU0dfMGh6ekN1TlJZNXFsUFZESjBaYyJ9fQ","iv":"n0j8ZCPRPpY9J_-d","ciphertext":"5C2IHKd2MF_cK9p0hvUyFAM","tag":"ZnVzNzuBzL3pnUE9hCWOkw"} $ echo $CIPHERTEXT | step crypto jwe decrypt --key localhost.key hello, localhost
The step certificate key
command also works with certificate signing requests (CSRs). As an added convenience we've also updated the step crypto jwe encrypt
and step crypto jwt verify
commands to accept X.509 certificates as arguments to the --key
Inspect DER certificates
Certificates can be represented using different formats. By default step
uses PEM. This release adds support for inspecting DER-encoded certificates:
$ step certificate format localhost.crt --out localhost.der Your certificate has been saved in localhost.der. $ step certificate inspect --format json localhost.der | jq -r .subject.common_name[0] localhost
Fingerprint remote certificates
Certificate fingerprints are really useful for debugging. This release adds the ability to fingerprint a remote server's certificate to verify that the correct certificate is in use:
$ step certificate fingerprint https://localhost:8443 e3e95bf6047496086417ce72b486b9d5b0a144bc065da7e932fc6b41187b7b50 $ step certificate fingerprint localhost.der e3e95bf6047496086417ce72b486b9d5b0a144bc065da7e932fc6b41187b7b50
Certificate uninstall
If you've been following along with the examples here you might want to remove the certificate you installed earlier. There's a command for that, too:
step certificate uninstall $(step path)/certs/root_ca.crt
When you run
step ca init
it generates artifacts that are stored in~/.step
. To removestep
from your system simply remove that directory. To use a different directory set theSTEPPATH
environment variable.
More coming soon
That's all for now, but there's lots more coming soon! We're working on tighter integrations with common environments like AWS, GCP, and kubernetes. We're also working on better visibility into certificate operations using certificate transparency.
Stay tuned by following us on twitter and GitHub!
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