step ca renew
step ca renew -- renew a certificate
step ca renew <crt-file> <key-file>
[--mtls] [--password-file=<file>] [--out=<file>] [--expires-in=<duration>]
[--force] [--pid=<int>] [--pid-file=<file>] [--signal=<int>]
[--exec=<string>] [--daemon] [--renew-period=<duration>] [--kms=<uri>]
[--ca-url=<uri>] [--root=<file>] [--context=<name>]
step ca renew command renews the given certificate (with a request to the
certificate authority) and writes the new certificate to disk - either overwriting
or using a new file when the --out=file
flag is used.
With the --daemon flag the command will periodically update the given certificate. By default, it will renew the certificate before 2/3 of the validity period of the certificate has elapsed. A random jitter is used to avoid multiple instances running at the same time. The amount of time between renewal and certificate expiration can be configured using the --expires-in flag, or a fixed period can be set with the --renew-period flag.
The --daemon flag can be combined with --pid, --signal, or --exec to provide certificate reloads on your services.
By default, the renew command authenticates to step-ca using mTLS, except when the certificate is expired and renewal after expiry is allowed by the CA.
There are scenarios where mTLS is not possible: When step-ca is behind a layer 7 proxy, when the server's leaf certificate EKU is not configured for client authentication, or when the server is a StepCAS RA for an upstream step-ca server. For these scenarios, use --mtls=false to force a flow that uses X5C token-based authentication.
The certificate in PEM format that we want to renew.
They key file of the certificate.
--mtls Use mTLS to renew a certificate. Use --mtls=false to force the token authorization flow instead.
The certificate authority configuration file
. Defaults to
$(step path)/config/ca.json
-f, --force Force the overwrite of files without asking.
--offline Creates a certificate without contacting the certificate authority. Offline mode uses the configuration, certificates, and keys created with step ca init, but can accept a different configuration file using --ca-config flag.
The path to the file
containing the password to encrypt or decrypt the private key.
The uri
to configure a Cloud KMS or an HSM.
, --output-file=file
The new certificate file
path. Defaults to overwriting the crt-file
positional argument
The amount of time remaining before certificate expiration,
at which point a renewal should be attempted. The certificate renewal will not
be performed if the time to expiration is greater than the --expires-in value.
A random jitter (duration/20) will be added to avoid multiple services hitting the
renew endpoint at the same time. The duration
is a sequence of decimal numbers,
each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m".
Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
The process id to signal after the certificate has been renewed. By default the
the SIGHUP (1) signal will be used, but this can be configured with the --signal
The file
from which to read the process id that will be signaled after the certificate
has been renewed. By default the SIGHUP (1) signal will be used, but this can be configured with the --signal
The signal number
to send to the selected PID, so it can reload the
configuration and load the new certificate. Default value is SIGHUP (1)
The command
to run after the certificate has been renewed.
--daemon Run the renew command as a daemon, renewing and overwriting the certificate periodically. By default the daemon will renew a certificate before 2/3 of the time to expiration has elapsed. The period can be configured using the --renew-period or --expires-in flags.
The period with which to schedule renewals of the certificate in daemon mode.
Requires the --daemon flag. The duration
is a sequence of decimal numbers,
each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "1.5h", or "2h45m".
Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
of the targeted Step Certificate Authority.
The path to the PEM file
used as the root certificate authority.
The context name
to apply for the given command.
Renew a certificate with the configured CA:
$ step ca renew internal.crt internal.key
Would you like to overwrite internal.crt [Y/n]: y
Renew a certificate without overwriting the previous certificate:
$ step ca renew --out renewed.crt internal.crt internal.key
Renew a certificate forcing the overwrite of the previous certificate:
$ step ca renew --force internal.crt internal.key
Renew a certificate using the token flow instead of mTLS:
$ step ca renew --mtls=false --force internal.crt internal.key
Renew a certificate which key is in a KMS:
$ step ca renew \
--kms 'pkcs11:module-path=/usr/local/lib/softhsm/;token=smallstep?pin-value=password' \
pkcs11.crt 'pkcs11:id=4001'
Renew a certificate providing the --ca-url
and --root
$ step ca renew --ca-url \
--root /path/to/root_ca.crt internal.crt internal.key
Would you like to overwrite internal.crt [Y/n]: y
Renew skipped because it was too early:
$ step ca renew --expires-in 8h internal.crt internal.key
certificate not renewed: expires in 10h52m5s
Renew the certificate before 2/3 of the validity has passed:
$ step ca renew --daemon internal.crt internal.key
Renew the certificate before 8 hours and 30m of the expiration time:
$ step ca renew --daemon --expires-in 8h30m internal.crt internal.key
Renew the certificate every 16h:
$ step ca renew --daemon --renew-period 16h internal.crt internal.key
Renew the certificate and reload nginx:
$ step ca renew --daemon --exec "nginx -s reload" internal.crt internal.key
Renew the certificate and convert it to DER:
$ step ca renew --daemon --renew-period 16h \
--exec "step certificate format --force --out internal.der internal.crt" \
internal.crt internal.key
Renew a certificate using the offline mode, requires the configuration files, certificates, and keys created with step ca init:
$ step ca renew --offline internal.crt internal.key