step api token create
step api token create -- create a new token
step api token create <team> <crt-file> <key-file>
[--api-url=<url>] [--audience=<name>]
step ca api token create creates a new token for connecting to the Smallstep API.
UUID or slug of the team the API token will be issued for. This is available in the Smallstep dashboard.
File to read the certificate (PEM format). This certificate must be signed by a trusted root configured in the Smallstep dashboard.
File to read the private key (PEM format).
URL where the Smallstep API can be found
Request a token for an audience other than the API Gateway
Use a certificate to get a new API token:
$ step api token create ff98be70-7cc3-4df5-a5db-37f5d3c96e23 internal.crt internal.key
Get a token using the team slug:
$ step api token create teamfoo internal.crt internal.key