step beta ca admin add


step beta ca admin add -- add an admin to the CA configuration


step beta ca admin add <subject> <provisioner> [--super]
[--admin-cert=<file>] [--admin-key=<file>] [--admin-provisioner=<name>]
[--admin-subject=<subject>] [--password-file=<file>] [--ca-url=<uri>]
[--root=<file>] [--context=<name>]


step beta ca admin add adds an admin to the CA configuration.

WARNING: The 'beta' prefix is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'step ca admin ...' going forwards.

Positional arguments

subject The subject name that must appear in the identifying credential of the admin.

provisioner The name of the provisioner


--super Give administrator SuperAdmin privileges.

--admin-cert=chain Admin certificate (chain) in PEM format to store in the 'x5c' header of a JWT.

--admin-key=file Private key file, used to sign a JWT, corresponding to the admin certificate that will be stored in the 'x5c' header.

--admin-provisioner=name, --admin-issuer=name The provisioner name to use for generating admin credentials.

--admin-subject=subject, --admin-name=subject The admin subject to use for generating admin credentials.

--password-file=file The path to the file containing the password to encrypt or decrypt the private key.

--ca-url=URI URI of the targeted Step Certificate Authority.

--root=file The path to the PEM file used as the root certificate authority.

--context=name The context name to apply for the given command.


Add regular Admin:

$ step beta ca admin add google

Add SuperAdmin:

$ step beta ca admin add google --super