step ca certificate
step ca certificate -- generate a new private key and certificate signed by the root certificate
step ca certificate <subject> <crt-file> <key-file>
[--token=<token>] [--issuer=<name>] [--provisioner-password-file=<file>]
[--not-before=<time|duration>] [--not-after=<time|duration>]
[--san=<SAN>] [--set=<key=value>] [--set-file=<file>]
[--acme=<file>] [--standalone] [--webroot=<file>]
[--contact=<email>] [--http-listen=<address>]
[--kty=<type>] [--curve=<curve>] [--size=<size>] [--console]
[--x5c-cert=<file>] [--x5c-key=<file>] [--k8ssa-token-path=<file>]
[--offline] [--password-file] [--ca-url=<uri>] [--root=<file>]
step ca certificate command generates a new certificate pair
The Common Name, DNS Name, or IP address that will be set as the
Subject Common Name for the certificate. If no Subject Alternative Names (SANs)
are configured (via the --san flag) then the subject
will be set as the only SAN.
File to write the certificate (PEM format)
File to write the private key (PEM format)
Add dns|ip|email|uri
Subject Alternative Name(s) (SANs)
that should be authorized. Use the '--san' flag multiple times to configure
multiple SANs. The '--san' flag and the '--token' flag are mutually exclusive.
The base url of the Attestation CA to use
The path to the PEM file
with trusted roots when connecting to the Attestation CA
The directory where TPM keys and certificates will be stored
The key=value
pair with template data variables. Use the --set flag multiple times to add multiple variables.
The JSON file
with the template data variables.
The certificate authority configuration file
. Defaults to
$(step path)/config/ca.json
of the targeted Step Certificate Authority.
The path to the PEM file
used as the root certificate authority.
The one-time token
used to authenticate with the CA in order to create the
The context name
to apply for the given command.
, --issuer=name
The provisioner name
to use.
The path to the file
containing the password to decrypt the one-time token
generating key.
The kty
to build the certificate upon.
If unset, default is EC.
is a case-sensitive string and must be one of:
EC: Create an elliptic curve keypair
OKP: Create an octet key pair (for "Ed25519" curve)
RSA: Create an RSA keypair
, --curve=curve
The elliptic curve
to use for EC and OKP key types. Corresponds
to the "crv" JWK parameter. Valid curves are defined in JWA [RFC7518]. If
unset, default is P-256 for EC keys and Ed25519 for OKP keys.
is a case-sensitive string and must be one of:
P-256: NIST P-256 Curve
P-384: NIST P-384 Curve
P-521: NIST P-521 Curve
Ed25519: Ed25519 Curve
The size
(in bits) of the key for RSA and oct key types. RSA keys require a
minimum key size of 2048 bits. If unset, default is 2048 bits for RSA keys and 128 bits for oct keys.
The time|duration
when the certificate validity period ends. If a time
used it is expected to be in RFC 3339 format. If a duration
is used, it is a
sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such
as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms",
"s", "m", "h".
The time|duration
when the certificate validity period starts. If a time
used it is expected to be in RFC 3339 format. If a duration
is used, it is a
sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such
as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms",
"s", "m", "h".
The KMS uri
used for attestation.
-f, --force Force the overwrite of files without asking.
--offline Creates a certificate without contacting the certificate authority. Offline mode uses the configuration, certificates, and keys created with step ca init, but can accept a different configuration file using --ca-config flag.
The path to the file
containing the password to encrypt or decrypt the private key.
--console Complete the flow while remaining inside the terminal.
The uri
to configure a Cloud KMS or an HSM.
Certificate (chain
) in PEM format to store in the 'x5c' header of a JWT.
Private key file
, used to sign a JWT, corresponding to the certificate that will
be stored in the 'x5c' header.
Certificate file
, in PEM format
Certificate file
in PEM format to store in the 'nebula' header of a JWT.
Private key file
, used to sign a JWT, corresponding to the certificate that will
be stored in the 'nebula' header.
ACME directory url
to be used for requesting certificates via the ACME protocol.
Use this flag to define an ACME server other than the Step CA. If this flag is
absent and an ACME provisioner has been selected then the '--ca-url' flag must be defined.
--standalone Get a certificate using the ACME protocol and standalone mode for validation. Standalone is a mode in which the step process will run a server that will will respond to ACME challenge validation requests. Standalone is the default mode for serving challenge validation requests.
Specify a file
to use as a 'web root' for validation in the ACME protocol.
Webroot is a mode in which the step process will write a challenge file to a
location being served by an existing fileserver in order to respond to ACME
challenge validation requests.
The email-address
used for contact as part of the ACME protocol. These contacts
may be used to warn of certificate expiration or other certificate lifetime events.
Use the '--contact' flag multiple times to configure multiple contacts.
Use a non-standard http address
, behind a reverse proxy or load balancer, for
serving ACME challenges. The default address is :80, which requires super user
(sudo) privileges. This flag must be used in conjunction with the '--standalone'
Configure the file
from which to read the kubernetes service account token.
Request a new certificate for a given domain. There are no additional SANs
configured, therefore (by default) the subject
will be used as the only
SAN extension: DNS Name
$ TOKEN=$(step ca token
$ step ca certificate --token $TOKEN internal.crt internal.key
Request a new certificate with multiple Subject Alternative Names. The Subject Common Name of the certificate will be 'foobar'. However, because additional SANs are configured using the --san flag and 'foobar' is not one of these, 'foobar' will not be in the SAN extensions of the certificate. The certificate will have 2 IP Address extensions (, and 1 DNS Name extension (
$ step ca certificate --san --san --san foobar internal.crt internal.key
Request a new certificate with a 1h validity:
$ TOKEN=$(step ca token
$ step ca certificate --token $TOKEN --not-after=1h internal.crt internal.key
Request a new certificate using the offline mode, requires the configuration files, certificates, and keys created with step ca init:
$ step ca certificate --offline internal.crt internal.key
Request a new certificate using the offline mode with additional flags to avoid console prompts:
$ step ca certificate --offline \
--password-file ./pass.txt \
--provisioner foo \
--provisioner-password-file ./provisioner-pass.txt \ internal.crt internal.key
Request a new certificate using an OIDC provisioner:
$ step ca certificate --token $(step oauth --oidc --bare) joe.crt joe.key
Request a new certificate using an OIDC provisioner while remaining in the console:
$ step ca certificate joe.crt joe.key --issuer Google --console
Request a new certificate with an RSA public key (default is ECDSA256):
$ step ca certificate foo.internal foo.crt foo.key --kty RSA --size 4096
Request a new certificate with an X5C provisioner:
$ step ca certificate foo.internal foo.crt foo.key --x5c-cert x5c.cert --x5c-key x5c.key
Certificate Templates - With a provisioner configured with a custom template we can use the --set flag to pass user variables:
$ step ca certificate foo.internal foo.crt foo.key --set
$ step ca certificate foo.internal foo.crt foo.key --set emailAddresses='["",""]'
Or you can pass them from a file using --set-file:
$ cat path/to/data.json
"emailAddresses": ["",""]
$ step ca certificate foo.internal foo.crt foo.key --set-file path/to/data.json
step CA ACME - In order to use the step CA ACME protocol you must add a ACME provisioner to the step CA config. See step ca provisioner add -h.
Request a new certificate using the step CA ACME server and a standalone server to serve the challenges locally (standalone mode is the default):
$ step ca certificate foobar foo.crt foo.key --provisioner my-acme-provisioner --san foo.internal --san bar.internal
Request a new certificate using the step CA ACME server and an existing server along with webroot mode to serve the challenges locally:
$ step ca certificate foobar foo.crt foo.key --provisioner my-acme-provisioner --webroot "./acme-www" \
--san foo.internal --san bar.internal
Request a new certificate using the ACME protocol not served via the step CA (e.g. letsencrypt). NOTE: Let's Encrypt requires that the Subject Common Name of a requested certificate be validated as an Identifier in the ACME order along with any other SANS. Therefore, the Common Name must be a valid DNS Name. The step CA does not impose this requirement.
$ step ca certificate foo.internal foo.crt foo.key \
--acme --san bar.internal