
step certificate uninstall


step certificate uninstall -- uninstall a root certificate from the supported trust stores


step certificate uninstall <crt-file>
[--prefix=<name>] [--all]
[--java] [--firefox] [--no-system]


step certificate uninstall uninstalls a root certificate from the supported trust stores.

Java's and Firefox's trust stores are also supported via the respective flags.

Positional arguments

crt-file Root certificate to uninstall from the specified trust stores.


--prefix=name The prefix used to name the CA in the trust store. Defaults to the certificate common name.

--java uninstall from the Java key store

--firefox uninstall from the Firefox NSS security database

--no-system disables the uninstall from the system's default trust store

--all uninstall from Firefox's, Java's, and the system's default trust store


Uninstall only from the system's default trust store:

$ step certificate uninstall root-ca.pem

Uninstall a root certificate from all the supported trust stores:

$ step certificate uninstall --all root-ca.pem

Uninstall a root certificate from Firefox's and the system's default trust store:

$ step certificate uninstall --firefox root-ca.pem

Uninstall a root certificate from Java's and the system's default trust store:

$ step certificate uninstall --java root-ca.pem

Uninstall a certificate from Firefox, Java, but not from the system:

$ step certificate uninstall --firefox --java --no-system root-ca.pem