
step crypto jwk create


step crypto jwk create -- create a JWK (JSON Web Key)


step crypto jwk create <public-jwk-file> <private-jwk-file>
[--kty=<type>] [--alg=<algorithm>] [--use=<use>]
[--size=<size>] [--crv=<curve>] [--kid=<kid>]
[--from-pem=<pem-file>] [--password-file=<file>]


step crypto jwk create generates a new JWK (JSON Web Key) or constructs a JWK from an existing key. The generated JWK conforms to RFC7517 and can be used to sign and encrypt data using JWT, JWS, and JWE.

Files containing private keys are encrypted by default. You'll be prompted for a password. Keys are written with file mode 0600 (i.e., readable and writable only by the current user).

All flags are optional. Defaults are suitable for most use cases.

Positional arguments

public-jwk-file Path to which the public JWK should be written

private-jwk-file Path to which the (JWE encrypted) private JWK should be written


--kty=type, --type=type The type of key to create. Corresponds to the "kty" JWK parameter. If unset, default is EC.

type is a case-sensitive string and must be one of:

  • EC: Create an elliptic curve keypair

  • oct: Create a symmetric key (octet stream)

  • OKP: Create an octet key pair (for "Ed25519" curve)

  • RSA: Create an RSA keypair

--size=size The size (in bits) of the key for RSA and oct key types. RSA keys require a minimum key size of 2048 bits. If unset, default is 2048 bits for RSA keys and 128 bits for oct keys.

--crv=curve, --curve=curve The elliptic curve to use for EC and OKP key types. Corresponds to the "crv" JWK parameter. Valid curves are defined in JWA [RFC7518]. If unset, default is P-256 for EC keys and Ed25519 for OKP keys.

curve is a case-sensitive string and must be one of:

  • P-256: NIST P-256 Curve

  • P-384: NIST P-384 Curve

  • P-521: NIST P-521 Curve

  • Ed25519: Ed25519 Curve

--alg=algorithm, --algorithm=algorithm The algorithm intended for use with this key. Corresponds to the "alg" JWK parameter. algorithm is case-sensitive. If unset, the default depends on the key use, key type, and curve (for EC and OKP keys). Defaults are:

key typeusecurvedefault algorithm

If the key "use" is "sig" (signing) algorithm must be one of:

  • HS256: HMAC using SHA-256

  • HS384: HMAC using SHA-384

  • HS512: HMAC using SHA-512

  • RS256: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256

  • RS384: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-384

  • RS512: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-512

  • ES256: ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256

  • ES384: ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384

  • ES512: ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512

  • PS256: RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256 and MGF1 with SHA-256

  • PS384: RSASSA-PSS using SHA-384 and MGF1 with SHA-384

  • PS512: RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512 and MGF1 with SHA-512

  • EdDSA: EdDSA signature algorithm

If the key "use" is "enc" (encryption) algorithm must be one of:

  • RSA1_5: RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5

  • RSA-OAEP: RSAES OAEP using default parameters

  • RSA-OAEP-256: RSAES OAEP using SHA-256 and MGF1 with SHA-256

  • A128KW: AES Key Wrap with default initial value using 128-bit key

  • A192KW: AES Key Wrap with default initial value using 192-bit key

  • A256KW: AES Key Wrap with default initial value using 256-bit key

  • dir: Direct use of a shared symmetric key as the content encryption key (CEK)

  • ECDH-ES: Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral Static key agreement

  • ECDH-ES+A128KW: ECDH-ES using Concat KDF and CEK wrapped with "A128KW"

  • ECDH-ES+A192KW: ECDH-ES using Concat KDF and CEK wrapped with "A192KW"

  • ECDH-ES+A256KW: ECDH-ES using Concat KDF and CEK wrapped with "A256KW"

  • A128GCMKW: Key wrapping with AES GCM using 128-bit key

  • A192GCMKW: Key wrapping with AES GCM using 192-bit key

  • A256GCMKW: Key wrapping with AES GCM using 256-bit key

  • PBES2-HS256+A128KW: PBES2 with HMAC SHA-256 and "A128KW" wrapping

  • PBES2-HS384+A192KW: PBES2 with HMAC SHA-256 and "A192KW" wrapping

  • PBES2-HS512+A256KW: PBES2 with HMAC SHA-256 and "A256KW" wrapping

--use=use The intended use of the public key. Corresponds to the "use" JWK parameter. The "use" parameter indicates whether the public key is used for encrypting data or verifying the signature on data.

use is a case-sensitive string and may be one of:

  • sig: The public key is used for verifying signatures.

  • enc: The public key is used for encrypting data.

Other values may be used but the generated JWKs will not work for signing or encryption with this tool.

--kid=kid The kid (key ID) for this JWK. Corresponds to the "kid" JWK parameter. Used to identify an individual key in a JWK Set, for example. kid is a case-sensitive string. If unset, the JWK Thumbprint [RFC7638] is used as kid. See step help crypto jwk thumbprint for more information on JWK Thumbprints.

--from-pem=pem-file Create a JWK representing the key encoded in an existing pem-file instead of creating a new key.

--password-file=file The path to the file containing the password to encrypt or decrypt the private key.

--no-password Do not ask for a password to encrypt a private key. Sensitive key material will be written to disk unencrypted. This is not recommended. Requires --insecure flag.

-f, --force Force the overwrite of files without asking.

--subtle Allow delicate operations.


Exit codes

This command returns 0 on success and >0 if any error occurs.

Security considerations

All security considerations from step help crypto are relevant here.

Preventing hostile disclosure of non-public key material

It is critical that any private and symmetric key material be protected from unauthorized disclosure or modification. This includes the private key for asymmetric key types (RSA, EC, and OKP) and the shared secret for symmetric key types (oct). One means of protection is encryption. Keys can also be stored in hardware or software "security enclaves" such as HSMs and TPMs or operating system keychain management tools.

Key provenance and bindings

Key provenance should always be scrutinized. You should not trust a key that was obtained in an untrustworthy manner (e.g., non-TLS HTTP).

Usually applications use keys to make authorization decisions based on attributes "bound" to the key such as the key owner's name or role. In these scenarios the strength of the system's security depends on the strength of these "bindings". There are a variety of mechanisms for securely binding attributes to keys, including:

  • Cryptographically binding attributes to the public key using x509 certificates (e.g., as defined in PKIX / RFC2580)
  • Cryptographically binding attributes to the public key using JWTs
  • Storing the public key or (hashed) shared secret along with the bound attributes in a secure database

Cryptographic mechanisms require establishing a "root of trust" that can sign the bindings (the certificates or JWTs) asserting that the bound attributes are correct.


[RFC7517] Jones, M., "JSON Web Key (JWK)",

[RFC7518] Jones, M., "JSON Web Algorithms (JWA)",

[RFC7638] M. Jones, N. Sakimura., "JSON Web Key (JWK) Thumbprint",

[RFC8037] I. Liusvaara., "CFRG Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) and Signatures in JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)",


Create a new JWK using default options:

$ step crypto jwk create jwk.json

Create an RSA JWK:

$ step crypto jwk create rsa.json --kty RSA

Create a symmetric key (oct key type):

$ step crypto jwk create oct.json --kty oct

Create a key for use with the Ed25519 cryptosystem:

$ step crypto jwk create ed.json \
    --kty OKP --crv Ed25519

Create a key from an existing PEM file:

$ step crypto jwk create jwk.json \
    --from-pem key.pem

Create an 4096 bit RSA encryption key:

$ step crypto jwk create rsa-enc.json \
   --kty RSA --size 4096 --use enc

Create a 192 bit symmetric encryption key for use with AES Key Wrap:

$ step crypto jwk create kw.json \
    --kty oct --size 192 --use enc --alg A192GCMKW