
step ssh revoke


step ssh revoke -- revoke a SSH certificate using the SSH CA


step ssh revoke <serial-number>
[--token=<token>]  [--issuer=<name>] [--set=<key=value>]
[--set-file=<file>] [--password-file=<file>] [--reason=<string>]
[--reasonCode=<code>] [--sshpop-cert=<file>] [--sshpop-key=<key>]
[--offline] [--ca-config=<file>] [--ca-url=<uri>] [--root=<file>]


step ssh revoke command revokes an SSH Certificate using step certificates.

Positional arguments

serial-number The serial number of the SSH certificate to revoke.


--token=token The one-time token used to authenticate with the CA in order to create the certificate.

--provisioner-password-file=file The path to the file containing the password to decrypt the one-time token generating key.

--provisioner=name, --issuer=name The provisioner name to use.

--set=key=value The key=value pair with template data variables. Use the --set flag multiple times to add multiple variables.

--set-file=file The JSON file with the template data variables.

--sshpop-cert=chain Certificate (chain) in PEM format to store in the 'sshpop' header of a JWT.

--sshpop-key=file Private key file, used to sign a JWT, corresponding to the certificate that will be stored in the 'sshpop' header.

--reason=string The string representing the reason for which the cert is being revoked.

--reasonCode=reasonCode The reasonCode specifies the reason for revocation - chose from a list of common revocation reasons. If unset, the default is Unspecified.

reasonCode can be a number from 0-9 or a case insensitive string matching one of the following options:

  • Unspecified: No reason given (Default -- reasonCode=0).

  • KeyCompromise: The key is believed to have been compromised (reasonCode=1).

  • CACompromise: The issuing Certificate Authority itself has been compromised (reasonCode=2).

  • AffiliationChanged: The certificate contained affiliation information, for example, it may have been an EV certificate and the associated business is no longer owned by the same entity (reasonCode=3).

  • Superseded: The certificate is being replaced (reasonCode=4).

  • CessationOfOperation: If a CA is decommissioned, no longer to be used, the CA's certificate should be revoked with this reason code. Do not revoke the CA's certificate if the CA no longer issues new certificates, yet still publishes CRLs for the currently issued certificates (reasonCode=5).

  • CertificateHold: A temporary revocation that indicates that a CA will not vouch for a certificate at a specific point in time. Once a certificate is revoked with a CertificateHold reason code, the certificate can then be revoked with another Reason Code, or unrevoked and returned to use (reasonCode=6).

  • RemoveFromCRL: If a certificate is revoked with the CertificateHold reason code, it is possible to "unrevoke" a certificate. The unrevoking process still lists the certificate in the CRL, but with the reason code set to RemoveFromCRL. Note: This is specific to the CertificateHold reason and is only used in DeltaCRLs (reasonCode=8).

  • PrivilegeWithdrawn: The right to represent the given entity was revoked for some reason (reasonCode=9).

  • AACompromise: It is known or suspected that aspects of the AA validated in the attribute certificate have been compromised (reasonCode=10).

--offline Creates a certificate without contacting the certificate authority. Offline mode uses the configuration, certificates, and keys created with step ca init, but can accept a different configuration file using --ca-config flag.

--ca-config=file The certificate authority configuration file. Defaults to $(step path)/config/ca.json

--ca-url=URI URI of the targeted Step Certificate Authority.

--root=file The path to the PEM file used as the root certificate authority.

--context=name The context name to apply for the given command.


revoke an ssh certificate:

$ step ssh revoke 3997477584487736496