step certificate
step certificate -- create, revoke, validate, bundle, and otherwise manage certificates
step certificate command group provides facilities for creating certificate signing requests (CSRs), creating self-signed certificates (e.g., for use as a root certificate authority), generating leaf or intermediate CA certificate by signing a CSR, validating certificates, renewing certificates, generating certificate bundles, and key-wrapping of private keys.
Create a root certificate and private key using the default parameters (EC P-256 curve):
$ step certificate create foo foo.crt foo.key --profile root-ca
Create a leaf certificate and private key using the default parameters (EC P-256 curve):
$ step certificate create baz baz.crt baz.key --ca ./foo.crt --ca-key ./foo.key
Create a CSR and private key using the default parameters (EC P-256 curve):
$ step certificate create zap zap.csr zap.key --csr
Sign a CSR and generate a signed certificate:
$ step certificate sign zap.csr foo.crt foo.key
Inspect the contents of a certificate:
$ step certificate inspect ./baz.crt
Verify the signature of a certificate:
$ step certificate verify ./baz.crt --roots ./foo.crt
Lint the contents of a certificate to check for common errors and missing fields:
$ step certificate lint ./baz.crt
Bundle an end certificate with the issuing certificate:
$ step certificate bundle ./baz.crt ./foo.crt bundle.crt
Convert PEM format certificate to DER and write to disk.
$ step certificate format foo.pem --out foo.der
Extract the public key from a PEM encoded certificate:
$ step certificate key foo.crt
Install a root certificate in the system's default trust store:
$ step certificate install root-ca.crt
Uninstall a root certificate from the system's default trust store:
$ step certificate uninstall root-ca.crt
Name | Usage |
bundle | bundle a certificate with intermediate certificate(s) needed for certificate path validation |
create | create a certificate or certificate signing request |
format | reformat certificate |
inspect | print certificate or CSR details in human readable format |
fingerprint | print the fingerprint of a certificate |
lint | lint certificate details |
needs-renewal | Check if a certificate needs to be renewed |
sign | sign a certificate signing request (CSR) |
verify | verify a certificate |
key | print public key embedded in a certificate |
install | install a root certificate in the supported trust stores |
uninstall | uninstall a root certificate from the supported trust stores |
p12 | package a certificate and keys into a .p12 file |