step beta ca provisioner add
step beta ca provisioner add -- add a provisioner
step beta ca provisioner add <name> --type=JWK [--public-key=<file>]
[--private-key=<file>] [--create] [--password-file=<file>]
[--admin-cert=<file>] [--admin-key=<file>] [--admin-provisioner=<name>]
[--admin-subject=<subject>] [--password-file=<file>] [--ca-url=<uri>]
[--root=<file>] [--context=<name>]
step beta ca provisioner add <name> --type=OIDC
[--client-id=<id>] [--client-secret=<secret>]
[--configuration-endpoint=<url>] [--domain=<domain>]
[--admin-cert=<file>] [--admin-key=<file>] [--admin-provisioner=<name>]
[--admin-subject=<subject>] [--password-file=<file>] [--ca-url=<uri>]
[--root=<file>] [--context=<name>]
step beta ca provisioner add <name> --type=X5C --x5c-root=<file>
[--admin-cert=<file>] [--admin-key=<file>] [--admin-provisioner=<name>]
[--admin-subject=<subject>] [--password-file=<file>] [--ca-url=<uri>]
[--root=<file>] [--context=<name>]
step beta ca provisioner add <name> --type=SSHPOP
[--admin-cert=<file>] [--admin-key=<file>] [--admin-provisioner=<name>]
[--admin-subject=<subject>] [--password-file=<file>] [--ca-url=<uri>]
[--root=<file>] [--context=<name>]
step beta ca provisioner add <name> --type=Nebula --nebula-root=<file>
[--admin-cert=<file>] [--admin-key=<file>] [--admin-provisioner=<name>]
[--admin-subject=<subject>] [--password-file=<file>] [--ca-url=<uri>]
[--root=<file>] [--context=<name>]
step beta ca provisioner add <name> --type=K8SSA [--public-key=<file>]
[--admin-cert=<file>] [--admin-key=<file>] [--admin-provisioner=<name>]
[--admin-subject=<subject>] [--password-file=<file>] [--ca-url=<uri>]
[--root=<file>] [--context=<name>]
step beta ca provisioner add <name> --type=[AWS|Azure|GCP]
[--aws-account=<id>] [--gcp-service-account=<name>] [--gcp-project=<name>]
[--azure-tenant=<id>] [--azure-resource-group=<name>]
[--instance-age=<duration>] [--iid-roots=<file>]
[--disable-custom-sans] [--disable-trust-on-first-use]
[--admin-cert=<file>] [--admin-key=<file>] [--admin-provisioner=<name>]
[--admin-subject=<subject>] [--password-file=<file>] [--ca-url=<uri>]
[--root=<file>] [--context=<name>]
step beta ca provisioner add <name> --type=ACME [--force-cn] [--require-eab]
[--admin-cert=<file>] [--admin-key=<file>] [--admin-provisioner=<name>]
[--admin-subject=<subject>] [--password-file=<file>] [--ca-url=<uri>]
[--root=<file>] [--context=<name>]
step beta ca provisioner add <name> --type=SCEP [--force-cn] [--challenge=<challenge>]
[--capabilities=<capabilities>] [--include-root] [--min-public-key-length=<length>]
[--encryption-algorithm-identifier=<id>] [--admin-cert=<file>] [--admin-key=<file>]
[--admin-provisioner=<string>] [--admin-subject=<string>] [--password-file=<file>]
[--ca-url=<uri>] [--root=<file>] [--context=<name>]
step ca provisioner add adds a provisioner to the CA configuration.
WARNING: The 'beta' prefix is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'step ca admin ...' going forwards.
Positional arguments
The name of the provisioner.
The type
of provisioner to create.
is a case-insensitive string and must be one of:
JWK: Uses an JWK key pair to sign provisioning tokens. (default)
OIDC: Uses an OpenID Connect provider to sign provisioning tokens.
AWS: Uses Amazon AWS instance identity documents.
GCP: Use Google instance identity tokens.
Azure: Uses Microsoft Azure identity tokens.
ACME: Uses the ACME protocol to create certificates.
X5C: Uses an X509 certificate / private key pair to sign provisioning tokens.
K8SSA: Uses Kubernetes Service Account tokens.
SSHPOP: Uses an SSH certificate / private key pair to sign provisioning tokens.
SCEP: Uses the SCEP protocol to create certificates.
Nebula: Uses a Nebula certificate / private key pair to sign provisioning tokens.
The x509 certificate template file
, a JSON representation of the certificate to create.
The x509 certificate template data file
, a JSON map of data that can be used by the certificate template.
The x509 certificate template file
, a JSON representation of the certificate to create.
The ssh certificate template data file
, a JSON map of data that can be used by the certificate template.
The minimum duration
for an x509 certificate generated by this provisioner.
The maximum duration
for an x509 certificate generated by this provisioner.
The default duration
for an x509 certificate generated by this provisioner.
The minimum duration
for an ssh user certificate generated by this provisioner.
The maximum duration
for an ssh user certificate generated by this provisioner.
The maximum duration
for an ssh user certificate generated by this provisioner.
The minimum duration
for an ssh host certificate generated by this provisioner.
The maximum duration
for an ssh host certificate generated by this provisioner.
The maximum duration
for an ssh host certificate generated by this provisioner.
--disable-renewal Disable renewal for all certificates generated by this provisioner.
--allow-renewal-after-expiry Allow renewals for expired certificates generated by this provisioner.
--x509 Enable provisioning of x509 certificates.
--ssh Enable provisioning of ssh certificates.
--create Create the JWK key pair for the provisioner.
The file
containing the JWK private key.
The file
containing the JWK public key. Or, a file
containing one or more PEM formatted keys, if used with the K8SSA provisioner.
The id
used to validate the audience in an OpenID Connect token.
The secret
used to obtain the OpenID Connect tokens.
The callback address
used in the OpenID Connect flow (e.g. ":10000")
OpenID Connect configuration url
The email
of an admin user in an OpenID Connect provisioner, this user
will not have restrictions in the certificates to sign. Use the
'--admin' flag multiple times to configure multiple administrators.
The group
list used to validate the groups extenstion in an OpenID Connect token.
Use the '--group' flag multiple times to configure multiple groups.
The tenant-id
used to replace the templatized {tenantid} in the OpenID Configuration.
Root certificate (chain) file
used to validate the signature on X5C
provisioning tokens.
Root certificate (chain) file
used to validate the signature on Nebula
provisioning tokens.
--force-cn Always set the common name in provisioned certificates.
--require-eab Require (and enable) External Account Binding for Account creation.
The SCEP challenge
to use as a shared secret between a client and the CA
The SCEP capabilities
to advertise
--include-root Include the CA root certificate in the SCEP CA certificate chain
The minimum public key length
of the SCEP RSA encryption key
The id
for the SCEP encryption algorithm to use.
Valid values are 0 - 4, inclusive. The values correspond to:
1: AES-128-CBC,
2: AES-256-CBC,
3: AES-128-GCM,
4: AES-256-GCM.
Defaults to DES-CBC (0) for legacy clients.
The AWS account id
used to validate the identity documents.
Use the flag multiple times to configure multiple accounts.
The Microsoft Azure tenant id
used to validate the identity tokens.
The Microsoft Azure resource group name
used to validate the identity tokens.
Use the flag multiple times to configure multiple resource groups
The Microsoft Azure subscription id
used to validate the identity tokens.
Use the flag multiple times to configure multiple subscription IDs
The Microsoft Azure AD object id
used to validate the identity tokens.
Use the flag multiple times to configure multiple object IDs
The Google service account email
or id
used to validate the identity tokens.
Use the flag multiple times to configure multiple service accounts.
The Google project id
used to validate the identity tokens.
Use the flag multiple times to configure multiple projects
The maximum duration
to grant a certificate in AWS and GCP provisioners.
A duration
is sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a
unit suffix, such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns",
"us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
The file
containing the certificates used to validate the
instance identity documents in AWS.
--disable-custom-sans On cloud provisioners, if enabled only the internal DNS and IP will be added as a SAN. By default it will accept any SAN in the CSR.
--disable-trust-on-first-use, --disable-tofu On cloud provisioners, if enabled multiple sign request for this provisioner with the same instance will be accepted. By default only the first request will be accepted.
Admin certificate (chain
) in PEM format to store in the 'x5c' header of a JWT.
Private key file
, used to sign a JWT, corresponding to the admin certificate that will
be stored in the 'x5c' header.
, --admin-issuer=name
The provisioner name
to use for generating admin credentials.
, --admin-name=subject
The admin subject
to use for generating admin credentials.
The path to the file
containing the password to encrypt or decrypt the private key.
of the targeted Step Certificate Authority.
The path to the PEM file
used as the root certificate authority.
The context name
to apply for the given command.
Create a JWK provisioner with newly generated keys and a template for x509 certificates:
step beta ca provisioner add cicd --type JWK --create --x509-template ./templates/example.tpl
Create a JWK provisioner with duration claims:
step beta ca provisioner add cicd --type JWK --create --x509-min-dur 20m --x509-default-dur 48h --ssh-user-min-dur 17m --ssh-host-default-dur 16h
Create a JWK provisioner with existing keys:
step beta ca provisioner add --type JWK --public-key --private-key jwk.priv
Create an OIDC provisioner:
step beta ca provisioner add Google --type OIDC --ssh \
--client-id \
--client-secret udTrOT3gzrO7W9fDPgZQLfYJ \
Create an X5C provisioner:
step beta ca provisioner add x5c --type X5C --x5c-root x5c_ca.crt
Create an ACME provisioner:
step beta ca provisioner add acme --type ACME
Create an ACME provisioner, forcing a CN and requiring EAB:
step beta ca provisioner add acme --type ACME --force-cn --require-eab
Create an K8SSA provisioner:
step beta ca provisioner add kube --type K8SSA --ssh --public-key
Create an SSHPOP provisioner for renewing SSH host certificates:")
step beta ca provisioner add sshpop --type SSHPOP
Create a SCEP provisioner with 'secret' challenge and AES-256-CBC encryption:
step beta ca provisioner add my_scep_provisioner --type SCEP --challenge secret --encryption-algorithm-identifier 2
Create an Azure provisioner with two resource groups, one subscription ID and one object ID:
$ step beta ca provisioner add Azure --type Azure \
--azure-tenant bc9043e2-b645-4c1c-a87a-78f8644bfe57 \
--azure-resource-group identity --azure-resource-group accounting \
--azure-subscription-id dc760a01-2886-4a84-9abc-f3508e0f87d9 \
--azure-object-id f50926c7-abbf-4c28-87dc-9adc7eaf3ba7
Create an GCP provisioner that will only accept the SANs provided in the identity token:
$ step beta ca provisioner add Google --type GCP \
--disable-custom-sans --gcp-project internal
Create an AWS provisioner that will only accept the SANs provided in the identity document and will allow multiple certificates from the same instance:
$ step beta ca provisioner add Amazon --type AWS \
--aws-account 123456789 --disable-custom-sans --disable-trust-on-first-use
Create an AWS provisioner that will use a custom certificate to validate the instance identity documents:
$ step beta ca provisioner add Amazon --type AWS \
--aws-account 123456789 --iid-roots $(step path)/certs/aws.crt