Getting Started With The Smallstep Platform
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You can use the Smallstep platform as a SaaS offering, or you can host it on-premise via our Run Anywhere (Kubernetes) or VM Appliance options.
Your Linux devices will run the Smallstep agent, which manages certificates for the device and its workloads.
Your client machines can use the Step CLI for utility tasks, like bootstrapping trust with your PKI, configuring SSH for Smallstep, etc.
Smallstep API
The Smallstep API gives you full programmatic access to the functionality of the Smallstep platform. You can register workloads or devices, create collections, and configure the Smallstep agent all through the API without needing to use the platform UI.
We also have a Smallstep Terraform Provider, which sits on top of the API to provision and manage your Smallstep resources, and the Smallstep Ansible Collection makes it easy to deploy the agent to your infrastructure.